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2010 в„– 2(3)
2010 в„– 1(2)
2009 в„– 1(1)

Lassan L.P., Malikhina Y.V. (Saint-Petersburg)
Ananiev V.A. – the scientist, teacher, student.

Lassan Ludmila Pavlovna – is a candidate of psychological sciences; is a professor of clinical psychology department in Russian State Educational University of A.I. Hertzen.
E-mail: lassan@mail.ru
Malikhina Yana Victorovna – is a candidate of psychological sciences; is a senior lecturer of clinical psychology department in Russian State Educational University of A.I. Hertzen.
E-mail: strela@sbor.net

Abstract. The article dedicated to the honor of Ananiev A.V. who was founded the clinical psychology department in Russian State Educational University of A.I. Hertzen. In the article considered the biographical facts and the main aspects of scientific work. Also considered the main thesis's of scientific heritage: the ontogenetic conception of adaptation diseases development, the idea of deviant adaptation syndrome (DAS), "structural attract of disease", "structural attract of health", the psychology of health, the conception of "the flower of potentials". The practical activity of Ananiev A.V. as a professor, teacher, psychotherapist, and as a creator of "shocking therapy" considered.

The key words: psychology, clinical psychology, psychosomatic, the psychology of health, psychotherapy.


Vedernikova V.G., Serova I.A. (Perm)
Palliative anthropology in law collisions

Vedernikova Valery Georgievna – is a psychologist; is a teacher in State Educational Institute of additional education "Perm regional center of additional education for medicals".
E-mail: valeri.gv@mail.ru
Serova Irina Anatolievna – is a member of editorial board of the journal "Medical psychology in Russia";
is a doctor of phylosophy, is a professor of philosophy and bioetic in Perm State Medical Academy of E.A. Vagner
E-mail: berrymoor@perm.ru

Abstract. This article considered the problem of patients and medicals rights in palliative anthropology; analyzed the law futility, with which seriously ill people meet every day. It was revealed that the rights of doctor choice, the right of insurance against "medical mistake", the right of self-determination, the right of dignity, ache facilitation are not realized to the people with oncopathology. The main law collision is a contradiction between declaration of qualified medical aid and absence of standards of this help.

The key words: self-help and supporting group, civil society, men rights, patients rights, oncology,
palliative help.


Nickolaev E.L., Romanov S.N. (Cheboksari)
Specific of family attitude in patients with alcohol addiction

Nickolaev Evgeni Lvovich – is a member of editorial board of the journal "Medical psychology in Russia"; is a doctor of medical sciences, professor of Chuvashski State University of I.N. Ulianov (Cheboksari);
is a chief-psychotherapist of Chuvashia.
E-mail: nikelvov@gmail.ru
Romanov Sergei Nickolaevich – is a medical psychologist and post-graduate student of Chuvashski State University of I.N. Ulianov (Cheboksari).

Abstract. The article considered the problem of dysfunctional attitudes in families with alcohol addiction and the possibilities of inheritance of these attitudes to next generation throw the addicts and their relatives. There were investigated three groups of people (addicts, co-addicts and healthy) and their peculiarities of emotional express prohibition, aggressive behavior, family emotional communication, family education and social support. The main clinical-psychological characteristics of pathological family attitudes in patients with alcohol addiction were revealed. The psychological specific of dysfunctional family attitude in co-addicts was determined. There was made a conceptual model of family attitudes in patients with alcohol addiction which show the pathological inter-relation between patients with alcohol addiction; people with co-addiction, previous and next generation. There was made suggestions about system of patients with alcohol addiction rehabilitation.

The key words: family relationship, alcohol addiction, addiction, co-addiction, emotional communications, dysfunctional attitudes.


Zakharov M.G. (Izgevsk).
Alcohol addiction and paranoia: co-morbid aspect of social destruction which inheritates throw the generation.

Zakharov Michail Gennadievich – is a medical psychologist in Republican narcological clinic in Izgevsk.

Abstract. This article considered the pathological peculiarities of alcohol addiction and paranoia characteristic of personality co-morbid and the specific of its interaction in next generation. The points of touch of this phenomenon and their destructive influence on social world were determined. The importance of difference between alcohol addiction and psychopathy was shown for the optimization of psychotherapy influence.

The key words: alcohol addiction, addictive behavior, paranoia, paranoia personality, psychopathy, co-morbid, destructive tendencies, autoagression, heteroagression, diagnostics, social world.


Prilenski B.Y., Prilenskaya A.V. (Tumen)
The neurotic conflict in the light of transpersonal psychotherapy

Prilenski Boris Yurievich – is a member of editorial board of the journal "Medical psychology in Russia"; is a professor and a doctor of medical sciences; is a chief of medical psychology and psychotherapy department in Tumen Medical Academy.
E-mail: prilensk@mail.ru
Prilenskaya Anna Vladimirovna – is a candidate of medical sciences; is a assistant of medical psychology and psychotherapy department in Tumen Medical Academy.
E-mail: prilensk@mail.ru

Abstract. In the article considered the multidimensional of personality conflicts in the light of multilevel model of consciousness by K. Willber. The complication of neurotic conflict structure and the necessity to take into account the margin of consciousness in psychotherapeutic work considered.

The key words: transpersonal psychotherapy, margin of consciousness, multilevel model of consciousness by K. Willber, neurotic conflict.


Duskazieva Z.G. (Krasnoyarsk).
The influence of parental attitude on children psychosomatical disorders development.

Duskazieva Zganna Gennadievna – has a scientific degree in psychological sciences; is a senior lecturer on children psychology department in Krasnoyarsk State Educational University of V.P. Astafiev.
E-mail: jossee@mail.ru

Abstract. This article considered the mechanisms of parents attitude influence on psychosomatic pathology development in children. The facts submitted about interconnection of parental attitude and psychosomatic disorders in children. Submitted the results of own investigation. The aim of investigation was the determination of parental attitude to the children of older pre-school age with respiratory disorders. In investigation took part 120 families with children of older pre-school age. It was determined that in parents attitude on the hyper symbiosis background there is high index of infantility (in relationship with boys and girls) and the elements of rejection from mothers to boys. The investigation results confirm that the parental attitude is an important factor in development of psychosomatic disorder in children.

The key words: psychosomatic, psychosomatic pathology, frequently ill children, respiratory disorders, parental attitude, symbiosis, infantility, rejection.


Ganuzina G.S., Zamolotchikova A.M., Koroleva N.A., Melechova G.V., Starunova L.N., Solondaev V.K., Chernaya N.Z. (Yaroslavl)
A pediatric and psychological aspects of schoolchildren's of nutrition.

Ganuzina Galina Sergeevna – is a assistant of polyclinic pediatry department in Yaroslavski State Medical Academy.
Zamolotchikova Anna Maximovna – is a student of psychology faculty in Yarosavski State University of P.G. Demidov.
Koroleva Natalia Alexandrovna – is a student of psychology faculty in Yarosavski State University of P.G. Demidov.
Melechova Galina Vasilievna – is a assistant of polyclinic pediatry department in Yaroslavski State Medical Academy.
Starunova Ludmila Nickolaevna – is a assistant of polyclinic pediatry department in Yaroslavski State Medical Academy.
Solondaev Vladimir Konstantinovich – is a member of editorial board of the journal "Medical psychology in Russia"; is a candidate of psychological sciences; is a senior lecturer of general psychology department in Yaroslavski State University of P.G. Demidov.
Chernaya Natalia Leonidovna – is a doctor of medical sciences; is a chief of polyclinic pediatry department in Yaroslavski State Medical Academy.

Abstract. The article considered the investigation results of children nutrition, children representations about healthy nutrition. The interconnection between rationalization and emotional attitude to nutrition and nutrition representations was analyzed. The opportunities of rational influence with the purpose to change children nutrition in the system pediatrist- parent-child considered.

The key words: health condition, type of nutrition, rational representations, emotional attitude, representations about nutrition.


Sirota N.A., Yaroslavskaya M.A. (Moscow)
The psychological aspects of adaptation in medical and social specialist in stress situations.

Sirota Natalia Alexandrovna – is a member of editorial board of the journal "Medical psychology in Russia"; is a doctor of medical sciences, professor, is a dean and is a chief of clinical psychology department in Moscow State medical-stomatology University.
E-mail: sirotan@mail.ru
Yaroslavskaya Maria Alexandrovna – is a post graduate student on the clinical psychology department in Moscow State medical-stomatology University.
E-mail: visiteuse@mail.ru

Abstract. The aim of investigation was to study coping-strategies in helping professions – medical and social specialists. There was the experimental-psychological investigation with the help of test "Ways of Coping Questionaire" and test of proactive coping behavior. In the investigation took part 75 women (42 – medical specialists, 33 – social specialists). It was revealed that medical specialists have more adaptative behavior in stress situations. Besides, it was revealed, that they may prognose possible problems with more success and may think out the variants of its decision. It is necessary to consider these results in education of medical and social specialists with consideration of contemporary requirements to these specialists.

The key words: coping-strategies, medical and social specialists, coping behavior, proactive coping behavior.


Golenkov A.V. (Cheboksari).
The experience of brief AIDS-associated stigma using.

Golenkov Andrei Vasilievich – is a member of editorial board of the journal "Medical psychology in Russia"; is a doctor of medical sciences, professor; is a chief of psychiatry and medical psychology department in Chuvashski State University of I.N. Ulianov (Cheboksari).
E-mail: golenkovav@inbox.ru

Abstract. The article colligates facts about using of test for stigma to AIDS-illing people in different professional and population groups. It was revealed the negative attitude to the people with AIDS among the population and in groups of medical sisters and medical students. In spite of better attitude to AIDS-ill people to another ill people, many of them have the internal stigma which disturb them to resist the discrimination (to show their own status may only 35,5%). The knowledge about AIDS was very low among the tested. The indices of tolerance and knowledge authentically modified from sex, age, place of residence, level of education. The brief scale on AIDS – associated stigma is informative instrument which may use in medical institutions of various types.

The key words: AIDS, stigma, scale, medical sisters, medical students, selfstigmatization, educational environment, population.


Khomogorova A.B., Dadeko A.A. (Moscow)
Physical perfectionism as a factor of affective disorders in contemporary culture.

Kholmogorova Alla Borisovna – is a member of editorial board of the journal "Medical psychology in Russia"; is a doctor of psychological sciences, professor; is a chief of clinical psychology and psychotherapy laboratory in Moscow Institute of Psychiatry; is a chief of medical psychology and psychotherapy department in Moscow State University of education and psychology.
E-mail: psylab2006@yandex.ru
Dadeko Anastasia Alexandrovna – is a teacher-psychologist; is a post-graduate student on clinical psychology and special psychology department in Moscow State University of education and psychology.

Abstract. The article considered the problem of culture and psychical disorder interconnection. The unreal standards of weight and figure which propagated in modern society are analyzed as an important pathological factor. Introducing the conception of physical perfectionism, system of personal persuasions and sets which connecting with self-appearance. On the light of polyfactor model of affective disorders, which was developed by Kholmogorova A.B. and Garanyan N.G., considered investigation results of weight standards and satisfaction of self weight in girls, who concerned with fitness and in boys, who concerned with bodybuilding. The investigation results of physical perfectionism level and depression and anxious symptoms in girls and boys also considered. The results of experimental groups are compared with results of control groups of boys and girls, who doesn't concerned with sport activity. There was made a conclusion about increased indices of physical perfectionism and emotional disorders in experimental groups.

The key words: culture, physical perfectionism, depression, anxiety.


Boluchevskaya V.V. (Volgograd)
Specialists values and social-psychological arrangements in the process of professional self-determination.

Boluchevskaya Valentina Victorovna – has a scientific degree in psychological sciences; is a senior lecturer of genera and clinic psychology department in Volgograd State University.
E-mail: boluchevskaya@yandex.ru

Abstract. In the article considered axiological aspects of the professional self-determination process of helping professions specialists. There was made a comparative analysis of value orientations and social-psychological arrangements of students, who study on faculties "clinical psychology", "social work", "therapy", "teacher".

The key words: self-determination, professional self-determination, helping professions, value orientations, personality social-psychological arrangements.


Nickolskaya A.V. (Moscow)
The theoretical base of psychosomatical approach using in dog treatment.

Nickolskaya Anastasia Vsevolodovna – has a scientific degree in psychological sciences; works on the psychological faculty in Moscow State University of M.V. Lomonosov.
E-mail: tonokazutoya@bk.ru

Abstract. The article discusses a question about using of holistic approach in domestic animals treatment. Accentuated, that during chronic disorders treatment in domestic animals, it is necessary to consider the psychological factors which influence on the physical condition of the animal (especially relationship between animal and owner). Considered and described the psychosomatical analyses of animal examine.

The key words: psychosomatic, somatoform disorders, the disorders like a somatical, psychosomatical phenomenon, psychosomatical disontogenesis.


In the information part of the journal presence:

 • Sirota N.A., Vorobiova T.V. – the faculty of clinical psychology of Moscow State medical-stomatological University

 • Abstract (of dissertation – the doctor of psychological sciences) Kholmogorova Alla Borisovna (Moscow) "Theoretical and  empirical base of affective disorders psychotherapy".

 • Abstract (of dissertation – the candidate of medical sciences) Balashova Svetlana Vladimirovna (Orenburg) "The dependence of psychopathological and pathopsychological manifestation of somatic disorders from the type of psychotraumatic personality experience".

 • Abstract (of dissertation – the candidate of psychological sciences) Yegorkina Taisia Vasilievna (Saint-Petersburg) "The  experience of earlier traumatic affects in the system of attitude in the teenager's personality who were eyewitness and the participants of inter-etnic conflict".

 • Abstract (of dissertation – the candidate of psychological sciences) Zentzova Natalia Igorevna (Moscow) "The cognitive factors of psychological adaptation in people with alcohol and heroin addiction".

 • Abstract (of dissertation – the candidate o psychological sciences) Mosina Natalia Anatolievna (Krasnoyarsk) "The peculiarities of self-consciousness development in frequently ill schoolchildren".


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